Louisville Slugger Field (AAA #6 - An uninspiring end to the new ballparks for the year)

This was our final ballpark stop of the year, and it felt like an anticlimax, in so many ways. First, the good. Louisville Slugger Field is typical for the AAA ballparks we've been to this year. It opened in 2000, a little on the old side, but it's still nice. It's in downtown, walkable from our hotel across the street from the convention center, which is a definite plus. Over the scoreboard, you can see one of the bridges across the Ohio River - I like a ballpark with a view. You can also see the traffic on the interstate, but it's far enough away that you don't hear it, so it's not really a problem. It was a beautiful evening for baseball, temperature in the 70s and a little overcast. So what's not to like? Mainly, the place just seemed to lack any buzz. We've been to an afternoon game at the likely-soon-to-be-ex-home of the team with the worst record in the majors (the Royals), and it felt livelier than this. But how can you quantify buzz? Louisvil...