Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory (The implication of baseball bats for organizational leadership)

If you’re Number One, a good way to guarantee that you won’t stay there is to continue doing exactly what you’ve been doing. Even if you do it even better than you have been, the world around you will change. That became a key philosophy of mine when I was in positions of leadership in a couple of exceptionally strong organizations. But while I was applying it to space science organizations, my favorite example comes from baseball. Specifically, it’s the story of the Louisville Slugger. Many baseball fans know some version of the link between the Pete Browning, nicknamed the Louisville Slugger, and the company in Louisville that ultimately trademarked that name for what became the dominant bat through the 20 th Century. I’ll explain why that is a perfect illustration of success in changing times, but the story is more complicated than I had known, including a classic story than may be more dramatic than what happened, a somewhat-embarrassing incident of telling a story to a stranger ...